Meta to Launch Twitter Competitor


Meta, the parent company of Instagram, is making progress in the development of its Twitter competitor.

Selected creators are now being briefed on the functionality of Instagram's upcoming text-based app, which is tentatively named 'Barcelona'.

The decision to create a separate app stems from the fact that Instagram users have increasingly shifted their conversations to direct messages (DMs), causing the main feed to primarily serve as a platform for discovery rather than public posting.

The new app aims to resemble a large group chat that is open to anyone, similar to Twitter, but with a more Instagram-centric approach. Users can log in using their Instagram details, including their username, and sync their Instagram followers. They can post text updates of up to 500 characters and share links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes long.

Additionally, the app will allow users to engage with posts in-stream by liking, replying, and reposting, similar to retweeting on Twitter.

Creators and Celebrities get Early Access

Meta is building the app on a decentralized backend. This decentralized infrastructure will enable users' profiles to be used in conjunction with other decentralized systems. It means that users on platforms like Mastodon will have the ability to search for, follow, and interact with public profiles and content. Creators may also have the opportunity to be recommended to users who don't follow them.

Although the app will be seen as a competitor to Twitter, Meta's version is also an effort to adapt to new ways of using technology and explore decentralization. Apparently, a more accessible and flexible system that benefits social media users in all areas is the end goal.

Creators and high-profile figures are reportedly being briefed on the app, with early access being offered to select celebrities and sports stars. Meta aims to release the app to the public soon.

A Natural Progression for Instagram

Shown above, ICYMI shared screenshots demonstrating that the new app is simply a stripped-down version of Twitter, more in line with a chat-based feed.

The increasing engagement in DMs on Instagram has prompted Meta to focus on enhancing this aspect of the platform. Instagram has already introduced updates such as Broadcast Channels, a one-to-many messaging feature, and 'Notes', which allow users to share conversation prompts in a Stories-like format above their direct inbox.

The development of a dedicated chat app is the natural progression for Instagram, and it could pose a significant challenge to Twitter, regardless of whether that was the primary intention of the project.

Considering Instagram's vast user base of more than a billion active daily users compared to Twitter's 253 million, Meta's strategy aims to facilitate a seamless transition for users to explore the new app. This could potentially lead to a rapid increase in popularity, creating a Twitter-like experience that attracts users who spend less time on Twitter.

Meta vs. Twitter: The Potential Shift in User Attention

While Twitter activity has remained strong thus far, despite some users' objections to recent changes, alternative platforms lack the same level of engagement and require substantial effort to rebuild a following. However, with this new app allowing users to bring their Instagram audience along, it could significantly favor the new platform. 

Meta may be a formidable competitor to Twitter if it is able to make its app appealing to users without the complexities of other decentralized platforms.

Elon Musk, the former CEO of Twitter, repeatedly advised dissatisfied users to find another platform. With the availability of this new app, more users might heed his advice, potentially leading to a shift in advertiser attention if Meta eventually decides to monetize the app (although ads will not be present in the initial version).

The upcoming launch of this app promises to be an intriguing experiment with the potential to make a significant impact on the social media landscape.

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